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Holy Bible

Sunday & Holy Day Services


8:00 RITE I

A smaller but dedicated group of parishioners gathers for this contemplative Eucharist service at 8:00 on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School year. Following the service outlined in the Book of Common Prayer the language is traditional, and it is a totally spoken service with no music. A coffee hour is offered after the service.

10:00 RITE II

A robust number of parishioners enjoy the 10:00 Eucharist service, which features wonderful organ music to accompany our talented choir, under the direction of Andrea Olson. The congregation joins the choir in singing hymns found in the 1982 hymnal. The service uses the “modern” language found in the Book of Common Prayer.


Special occasions are celebrated at this service, including the Blessing of the Animals and Youth Sunday.

Church Choir Singers and Music Sheets

Summer Service

From Father’s Day to Labor Day, Christ Church offers a unified service at 9:00 am. Utilizing the Rite II liturgy, the service includes hymns from the 1982 that are favorites of the congregation. Occasionally an outdoor coffee hour is offered on the porch of the Rectory.

Holy Days

Christ Church offers traditional services for all of the main Holy Days on the liturgical calendar. During Lent, Stations of the Cross are offered weekly, using representations created by

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