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Journey 2 Adulthood - J2A

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Our J2A group is for teenagers who are on a journey of discovery. They are discovering themselves and their faith:  Who they are? What do they believe? What really matters to them? What is their role in this world? Who and what will guide them as they become adults?

Participants are encouraged to confront these questions with a group of peers and the guidance from non-family adults in the church. The adult group leaders guide and model beliefs and behaviors, but do not coerce the young participants. Participants also spend time preparing for a pilgrimage to a place of their choice.  The church funds 1/3 of the cost of the pilgrimage, the parents are expected to pay 1/3, and the teens are asked to fund-raise 1/3 of the final cost. In the past, J2A groups have hosted church events such as car washes and a chili cook off to fund their pilgrimage.


​For more information and to enroll your child please


J2A Pilgrimage

​The pilgrimage is a journey away from roots and the familiar into a challenging and unfamiliar setting.  Encounters with diverse peoples and cultures are involved, with many expectations of service and social interactions that may push them outside their comfort zone. The opportunities for reflection, sharing, prayer, and bonding are scheduled on a daily basis. It is a profoundly moving experience both for the teens and their leaders, and creates lasting memories and bonds.

We partner with an extraordinary non-profit organization called 
Wonder Voyage, which creates personalized pilgrimages and mission trips. Their voyages encourage an encounter with the heart of God through exploration and sacrificial service to distinctive communities around the globe. Through Wonder Voyage, each event becomes a journey and every participant a pilgrim.  Please visit the Wonder Voyage website for more information about this amazing organization.

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